Thursday, November 26, 2020

 So few folks are willing to defend our fundamental rights.

Get up off of the couch folks!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Two Americas

Compare and contrast:

The "Occupy Wall Street" crowd, defecation upon police cars and fouling the streets:

Here's the link.

Those filthy evil Tea-Partiers:

Linkee here.

Could the contrast be any more glaring?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A New Hope?

With apologies to George Lucas.

Well, we had high hopes that the first post-racial president would be both competent and a national healer, Instead, he's demonstrated the same level of competence that he showed throughout the rest of his life's endeavors. (Sigh!)

On top of that, he has engaged in the racial divisiveness that is so typical of the Democratic Party in recent decades -- if you cannot create a victorious political party from common beliefs, create one by kludging-together a plethora of self-interest groups. And if you have to destroy the national unity of the people to achieve that, so be it. (Sad)
It is almost horrible that I yearn for those terrible days after 9/11 when our nation was truly united, if only in grief anf if only for a short time. E Pluribus Unem.

Anyway, perhaps another new face on the political battlefield will carry the day towards true economic competence and national racial-healing? Let's home so. Perhaps this man's experience as a true executive, his battles with real-life adversity, and his skill as a unifier, will serve the country well. I'm praying.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Speaking to the Base

Divisive politics. Sad and disappointing -- but no longer surprising.

I held my nose and voted for McCain last time around, but consoled myself that at least Obama's election would perhaps serve to finally heal the racial wounds in the country. Now, amazingly enough, the scabs have been picked off the wounds and the trans-racial chasm is wider and deeper than ever. And this guy seems intent upon using these divisive tactics to keep us apart. Scary.

It's always easier to break a glass than to either build it in the first-place or to put a broken-glass back together. Let' pray that the Union of this nation is stronger than the forces trying to pull us apart.

Sunday, March 28, 2010