Friday, April 30, 2010

Speaking to the Base

Divisive politics. Sad and disappointing -- but no longer surprising.

I held my nose and voted for McCain last time around, but consoled myself that at least Obama's election would perhaps serve to finally heal the racial wounds in the country. Now, amazingly enough, the scabs have been picked off the wounds and the trans-racial chasm is wider and deeper than ever. And this guy seems intent upon using these divisive tactics to keep us apart. Scary.

It's always easier to break a glass than to either build it in the first-place or to put a broken-glass back together. Let' pray that the Union of this nation is stronger than the forces trying to pull us apart.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010


The Administration's report on Ft Hood is a whitewash. Duh!

I used to kinda like Sec. Gates -- no longer. He had this chance to speak the truth to power and showed that he is too small a man to do so.

Fat, dumb, or slovenly = DO NOT PROMOTE!

Fat, dumb, slovenly, and Islamic = Promote Early!!!


BTW: COL (Ret) Ralph Peters is kickass. Buy one of his books on Amazon.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Question Authoriteh!?



Excuse while I go take a cold shower. :-)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Why the Prez is a Mo-Ron -- Reason #235,654

Go to 4:52 for the money shot:

In an effort to look good and cover his butt, he's actually overreacting -- in absolutely the wrong direction. Functionally retarded.

This is what you get if you aren't serious about protecting the USA and its citizens. When will he realize that we truly are at war?