1. Effectively run her state.
2. Lead, live-with, and love her family.
3. Defend herself against unceasing ethical/political attacks from INSIDE the Alaska government.
4. Defend herself against attacks (like Letterman's "joke") from the MSM and Democrats.
and, finally...
5. Initiate a presidential campaign for 2012.

Clearly, not even Supergirl could have done all these at the same time.
Leaving the governorship at this time accomplishes the following:
1. Relieves her of the burden of running the state of Alaska.
2. Renders her effectively immune from ethics/political attacks from within the Alaska state gov't.
3. Allows her Lt Gov to make his own name in running the state, making him a more viable candidate for election to the Governorship next time around.
4. Allows her to focus on responding to political attacks from the Left.
5. Allows her to build a base by attacking the Left/Democrats/President full-time.
The Democratic criticisms already forthcoming are priceless. They are shitting themselves in fear. Woohoo!
High risk? -- yes.
But very smart? --- Hell YES!

Run Sarah Run!
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