At least that's the meme being purported by our profoundly retarded president.
Randy Rager nails it over at Cold Fury:
"Obama, you are a disgrace to yourself and your office. That you would, on one of our darkest days, a day that any real American would consider a day of infamy, choose to spend your time in conference with a special interest group rather than flying to Ft. Hood to actually be the Commander In Chief we elected you to be, speaks very poorly of you as man and worse of you as a President.
That you would then choose to use your bully pulpit not to move immediately, seriously and with decorum to addressing those tragic events, but rather to giving a “shout out” to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow first, clearly shows you to be a calculating political monster of a stripe I had hoped never to witness holding the office you are currently disgracing.
That you would then mistake Dr. Joe Medicine Crow for a Medal of Honor recipient after you yourself hung the Medal of Freedom around his neck no more than 3 months prior is, to put it mildly, one of the biggest acts of dumbfuckery it has ever been my profound displeasure to witness. Your immediate resignation would hardly begin to recompense the damage you’ve done today. Were you to give away all you own, renounce your citizenship and move to New Delhi to help the poor for the rest of your miserable misbegotten life you would barely begin to atone for this act of utter stupidity.
I shall never again call you President, for you have utterly disgraced yourself and the office."
Video is shown below -- appalling:CMoH?
Medal of Freedom?
NoBalls Piss Prize?
Grade-School Good Attendance Award?
What's the diff?
I have never had much hope for this guy, but I have finally given up on him completely.
Time to hunker-down for the next three years and hope that we can somehow survive this imbecile.
P.S. Holy Mother-of-G-d!!!!!! Here's the moron PREZIDIOT pushing us to not "jump to conclusions about the shooter's motivations" WTF?!?! Was he a grumpy Scientologist, a pissed-off Presbyterian, mebbe even a frustrated Girl-Scout mad at not selling cookies? No? Well, it's inconceivable that he was simply another in the loong line of Islamic Jihadis who was simply carrying-out the dictums of his religion as docmented within their "holy" book. JWM
Muslim Terrorism and Homicidal Acts -- Inconceivable!
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