"...the Left wants to go after the Census itself. They want to "adjust" the Census by adding "estimated" numbers of uncounted homeless, poor, and illegal immigrants. This is functionally identical to the practice of the old Democratic Party machine in Illinois, where dead Democratic voters in Chicago turned out in large enough numbers to counterbalance all the Republican votes downstate. ...Obama has set himself up to rig all future American elections, not through any democratic process, but by fiat. Just like a dictator.
...now we have a genuine attack on the roots of the Constitution and the principle of counting only people who can be proven to exist when apportioning the House of Representatives. It's a naked grab for power. It's a coup d'etat. And the so-called freedom-lovers in the Leftist media are absolutely silent about it.
No matter how ... ordinary Americans vote, they're going to fudge the Census so that Democrats will always keep the White House and the House of Representatives. If this is allowed to stand, we will never have an honest Census, or an honest election, again.What can we do? Your vote is about to be discounted. Your most basic freedom as an American -- the right to vote and have a real chance at changing things -- is being taken away."
* Apologies for taking a phrase from Malcolm X.
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