Friday, July 31, 2009

Charles Hugh Smith -- Makes My Wife Sound Optimistic

Survival+: Structuring Prosperity for Yourself and the Nation

Alternative 1: Slavery or Servitude: For the Unprepared

A long and detailed discourse on a possible / likely / inevitable societal collapse. This collapse will center on the USA, but impact the entire world: Scary!

Excerpts follow:

As the most heavily armed society in the developed world, the U.S. can easily go the way of well-armed criminal gangs controlling urban zones or well-armed militia sprouting up to take out the criminals. There is historical precedents for either scenario. A third scenario (common in the 3rd World) is for wealthy enclaves to hire private forces to protect the enclave.

While I can't predict which will play out in various circumstances, we should be aware that the U.S. has millions of military veterans and millions of weapons. The USSR had the vets but not the weapons in private hands. People will eventually choose to support an alternative to anarchy or criminal/mob rule, unless the criminal gang is the only alternative to something worse (i.e. the Sadr City scenario). Or people will pay extra to maintain a community police force and let go of the other city services, performing them communally via volunteer labor.

My point is simply that a heavily armed culture with tens of millions of firearm-trained vets is not going to follow the route of a society without those two elements.

Another related and very germane article can be read here.

Alternative #2: Survival -- for those who are prepared.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Lesson for Dr. Gates

Chris Rock gets it right:

"Don't hang wit no crazy friends." LOL. Pretty hard to comply with this if you are a Democrat.

h/t to Grouchy Old Cripple

A F- - king Demagogic Retard Once Said...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Wise Man Once said...

"Power concedes nothing without a demand.

It never did and it never will.

Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them, and these will continue till they have been resisted with either words or blows, or with both.

The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress."

-- Frederick Douglass

Read more about him here. He is proof that the truly great man can overcome any accident of birth to achieve success.

James Earl Jones reads one of his more notable speeches:

The good news is that he lived through to see Freedom grow and the nation live-up to many of it's ideals in ending race-based slavery. Unfortunately, much collateral damage was done in the achievement of this, leading in large part to the growth of government and gradual (and accelerating) loss of Freedoms for ALL OF US today.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Most-Excellent Fisking of Socialized Medicine

This guy is pretty darned good:

h/t to Theo Spark. Pass it on.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Men = Conservative = Bad = Screwed

Obama’s $800 billion stimulus package was purged of most of its investments in roads and bridges, and filled instead with welfare and social spending, out of political correctness, after feminist leaders bitched that building and repairing roads and bridges would put unemployed blue-collar (mostly) men to productive work, rather than putting white-collar (mostly) women to notso-productive work.

BAD red-state jobs:

Caption Unnecessary.

Much Gooder blue-state jobs:

Self-Esteem Workshops -- link here.

Read the whole thing here.

Royally Fornicated -- CA Issues IOUs

CA is forced to issue IOUs. The Dems want to raise taxes on the few remaining productive citizens in the state. The Reps want to cut spending. The Dems have always won in the recent past -- this whole Ponzi scheme needs to collapse before any real change is gonna happen.

But the Governator assures folks that the IOUs are good:

Yeah -- right!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Barracuda Goes on the Offensive

As governor of Alaska, she would have to:

1. Effectively run her state.

2. Lead, live-with, and love her family.

3. Defend herself against unceasing ethical/political attacks from INSIDE the Alaska government.

4. Defend herself against attacks (like Letterman's "joke") from the MSM and Democrats.

and, finally...

5. Initiate a presidential campaign for 2012.

Clearly, not even Supergirl could have done all these at the same time.

Leaving the governorship at this time accomplishes the following:

1. Relieves her of the burden of running the state of Alaska.

2. Renders her effectively immune from ethics/political attacks from within the Alaska state gov't.

3. Allows her Lt Gov to make his own name in running the state, making him a more viable candidate for election to the Governorship next time around.

4. Allows her to focus on responding to political attacks from the Left.

5. Allows her to build a base by attacking the Left/Democrats/President full-time.

The Democratic criticisms already forthcoming are priceless. They are shitting themselves in fear. Woohoo!

High risk? -- yes.

But very smart? --- Hell YES!

Run Sarah Run!