Sunday, October 11, 2009

Not OUR Civil War -- but Interesting Nevertheless

Three people detained after June's disputed presidential election have been sentenced to death, Iran's Isna news agency reports. Read it here.

We are eagerly awaiting comments and condemnation from our Nobel Laureate -- the Odiot. But we sure aren't holding our breath.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. " -- Inigo Montoya to Vizzini, The Princess Bride

Neda Soltan remains unavailable for comment.

h/t to Sweetness&Light

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Peace of the Grave -- Doc Zero

From Reagan to Obama in 20 Years. Lightspeed -- in the wrong direction.

I’m not really surprised by the Nobel committee’s decision to grant the Peace Price to Barack Obama. I assumed they would give it to him at the earliest opportunity. I forgot the award had not been given for this year. It would have been slightly better for their credibility if the Nobel committee had waited until next year, but perhaps they didn’t want to take the chance that current events would make that impossible by the end of 2010. The kind of “peacemaking” favored by the Nobel committee is the kind that usually gets innocent people killed, and frequently ends in the kind of war that comes as an even bigger surprise than Obama’s award.

Obama was given the Nobel Prize, not because of anything he has done as President, but because of what the committee thinks he will do. His achievements are as non-existent now as they were on the day he was nominated. His agenda, however, is clear. He spelled it out in that insipid speech he gave to the United Nations a few weeks ago. Speaking as the leader of the indentured world, he made it clear that he plans to dim the lights on an America in decline, and humbly step aside as the post-American century begins. That’s why he won the Peace Prize. The Nobel committee has long seen the United States as the greatest threat to world peace, and the man who plans to bankrupt and disarm it has earned their admiration.

There are only two responses to tyranny: submission and resistance. Submission is easy. It can be negotiated. It is filled with nuance, and requires a large staff of diplomats and state functionaries to administer in style. Organizations like the United Nations make the first concessions to dictatorship by their very nature, as they allow thug states like Iran and Libya to take seats next to peaceful democracies. Obama’s dismal eulogy for America at the U.N. was followed by lunatic rants from the blood-splattered clowns who will be the new masters of the global future. Entertaining such creatures is easy, if you can just ignore the piles of faceless victims buried behind them. You may rest assured that the name Neda Agha-Soltan was not spoken during Obama’s Peace Prize deliberations, and it will not be spoken when the prize is placed into his hands.

Neda Soltan -- I don't recall Obama mentioning her. Strange?

Resistance is hard. It requires the courage to call evil by its name, and sacrifice universal adoration in the process. The Left likes to rail against intolerance. The defense of peace and freedom requires the absolute intolerance of evil. It requires leaders who don’t need a few days to decide whether to cancel the Fourth of July picnic invitations of a dictatorship that guns down peacefully protesting citizens. It relies upon a nation with the strength and resolve to project both humanitarian assistance and military power around the world.

Read it all here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Laughing Illiterate Imbecile

Gotta give George Stephanopoulos credit -- I didn't think he had it in him.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Colonel Bud Day -- On Torture & Leadership

I got shot down over N Vietnam in 1967, a Sqdn. Commander. After I returned in 1973… I published 2 books that dealt a lot with “real torture” in Hanoi .

Our president is branding our country as a bunch of torturers when he has no idea what torture is.

As for me, put thru a mock execution because I would not respond… pistol whipped on the head… same event. Couple of days later… hung by my feet all day.

I escaped and a couple of weeks later, I got shot and recaptured. Shot was OK… what happened afterwards was not.

They marched me to Vinh… put me in the rope trick, trick… almost pulled my arms out of the sockets. Beat me on the head with a little wooden rod until my eyes were swelled shut, and my unshot, unbroken hand a pulp.

Next day hung me by the arms… rebroke my right wrist… wiped out the nerves in my arms that control the hands… rolled my fingers up into a ball. Only left the slightest movement of my L forefinger. So I started answering with some incredible lies.

Sent me to Hanoi strapped to a barrel of gas in the back of a truck.

Hanoi … on my knees… rope trick again. Beaten by a big fool. Into leg irons on a bed in Heartbreak Hotel.

Much kneeling — hands up at Zoo.

Really bad beating for refusing to condemn Lyndon Johnson.

Several more kneeling events. I could see my knee bone thru kneeling holes.

There was an escape from the annex to the Zoo. I was the Senior Officer of a large building because of escape…they started a mass torture of all commanders.

I think it was July 7, 1969… they started beating me with a car fan belt. In first 2 days I took over 300 strokes… then stopped counting because I never thought I would live thru it.

They continued day-night torture to get me to confess to a non-existent part in the escape. This went on for at least 3 days. On my knees… fan belting… cut open my scrotum with fan belt stroke. Opened up both knee holes again. My fanny looked like hamburger… I could not lie on my back.

They tortured me into admitting that I was in on the escape… and that my 2 room-mates knew about it.

The next day I denied the lie. They commenced torturing me again with 3- 6- or 9 strokes of the fan belt every day from about July 11 or 12th to 14 October 1969.

I continued to refuse to lie about my roommates again.

Now, the point of this is that our make-believe president has declared to the world that we ( U.S. ) are a bunch of torturers. Thus it will be OK to torture us next time when they catch us… because that is what the U.S. does.

Our president is a know nothing fool who thinks that pouring a little water on some one’s face, or hanging a pair of women’s pants over an Arabs head is TORTURE.

He is a meathead.

I just talked to Medal of Honor holder Leo Thorsness, who was also in my squadron, in jail… as was John McCain… and we agree that McCain does not speak for the POW group when he claims that Al Gharib was torture… or that “water boarding” is torture.

Our president and those fools around him who keep bad mouthing our great country are a disgrace to the United States .

Please pass this info on to everyone. They are free to use it to point out the stupidity of the claims that water boarding… which has no after effect… is torture.

If it got the Arab to cough up the story about how he planned the attack on the twin towers in NYC… hurrah for the guy who poured the water.

Read it all here. h/t to American Sheepdogs.

He Lies!

Not well, but often.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Big Bird = Birther

Hahaha! This is too funny!

asshole. Asshole! ASSHOLE!!!

But now I'm being redundant.

Cheating repeatedly on his steady-girl/fiancee/wife/child's Mom = $2M

Making a sad, sad joke out of the whole thing = Priceless

Asshole, doofus, woosie, prevaricator, mean, disloyal....

Here's the view of this issue from the enemy media: